Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Where art thou "Tooth Fairy"? Part II......

Phew... What an adventure of traveling to and fro hundreds of kilometres just to get my tooth fixed.
The truth came out today during the dental visit. I went early thinking that I'd be one of the first to be checked. The clinic opens at 9am but the doc only arrives around 10. So, I went about 8.40am wanting to be the first. Surprisingly, there was a lady earlier than me. WalaWe!!!
To my dismay; those who were there to extract teeth or untie the dressing were served first. Apparently, those who went for filling are served later because it takes more time for the procedure. I wasn't on a mission for extraction or filling; I just wanted to check up on my wisdom tooth. So, I guess I'm automatically grouped with the "filling" people. Well, I had my trusted "Archie" comic with me while waiting for my turn. Hah, I finished reading the whole comic book even before the doc arrived. WalaWe!!!
I went in finally, around 10.30am. Aiks... What a long wait! There were lots of gadgets around the chair that I sat. Immediately, thoughts came to my mind that maybe he'll use all the tools just to fix my tooth today. However, he just used 2 simple tools. (one to poke and one with a little mirror) Before long, he gave the verdict. I wonder why doctors have to use body language before really telling us about the situation. He shook his head and told me that I need to surgically remove that "lil buddy"(referred to as new wisdom tooth) because it is growing in an angle that pushes the other teeth. Aiks...WAlawe...Shucks....!!!
To cut things short; I'm going for "surgery" next Wednesday and will be having 2 days MC. So, would be spending most of next week in Kampar. So, I guess the gruesome details would be exposed next week in (Where art thou "Tooth Fairy"? Part III)....Sobs....='(

Till then folks...


Blogger Ken said...

Hi there, kenneth here r... it's recommended tat we remove all 4 wisdom tooth coz we dun realli need it and it's hard for our toothbrush to reach those spots... i've removed my first wisdom tooth a few months ago... the process was painful but bareable. the healing was vv fast thou.. thanks to my mom's warm porridge ^^ anyway, good luck to u! hav a nice day =)

9/21/2006 12:14:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew Au said...

Ken : Hey, what a pleasant surprise! You had yours removed surgically too? Wow! Ok, at least I know "someone" who's been there before. Thanks for the encouragement...=)

9/21/2006 09:09:00 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

yeap, tru surgically... the dentist couldnt pull the tooth out by force, he had to drill and spilt it into 4 pieces to pull out 1 by 1... too much good food we youngster eat nowdays he said... haha, but sadly, no 4x prize from the tooth fairy wo... the oni prize is... the pain is gone now ^^ but i'm still considering on the other 3 wisdom tooths >< see ya around =)

9/21/2006 04:20:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew Au said...

Ken: Huh???! The other three? Wow, you must really be courageous. Well, as for me; it's the only one for now. Trying to psych myself to go this Weds...Aiks...

9/25/2006 10:25:00 PM  
Blogger Ken said...

wow so soon? juz make sure u eat sumthing b4 the surgery... coz u cant eat for 6 to 7 hrs after tat... and also, try to talk and sing less ya? it'll help the healing process. playing the drum is ok... juz in case u wanna make sum noise... haha! =P good luck!

9/26/2006 12:33:00 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

going to the dentist tmr? may u hav a painless surgery la... rest more after that... best is to sleep... so tat u wont get hungry, no need to talk or move ur jaws... also get ready some mushroom soup (can food) as u wont be able to chew ur food on the same day... =)
grandpa kenz signing off... hehe

9/27/2006 12:03:00 AM  

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