Monday, August 06, 2007

Never noticed

It was yet another day of presentations and this time was something that I'm prepared - Independent A research proposal. I was so confident that there wouldn't be technical errors that I only brought my "pen-drive" to college. Thank God that there weren't any problems with my slides. My heart goes to Kelvin who couldn't even open his slides because of some "lappy" errors. However, he improvised so quickly that I really have to salute him for his spontaneity.

Well, I started my presentation by asking my audience to think of their most favorite song. I followed the pointer that was given to us during "Training" class by a real trainer that we need to bring our audiences into an emotional state before delivering the message. I was targeting at making my audience happy at that moment. I guess it worked "a little bit".

Then I went through what seemingly was expected to be boring - Background of study, Literature review, Research purpose, Research Objective, Sampling, Hypothesis, Procedure, References and finally ended with a Q&A session. Everyone was very concern about the practicality of my study and provided very practical ideas which I would be considering next semester when I actually run the experiment. Their feedback sort of uplifted me because some could even relate my experiments to jokes in the real situation.

I would like to perceive that I did well in presenting although I cracked a few "lame" jokes along the way. I believe that audiences would only be more into the presentation when they are on a lighter mode a.k.a enjoying my lame jokes... Haha...=)

However, my lecturer pointed out that my fingers were actually shivering while I was presenting. This was confirmed by the other classmates as well. Sigh, I never noticed! The other day another lecturer was commenting about my habit of sticking out my tongue during presentations. Well, this only goes on to say that I have 2 things that I've got to be aware of everytime I present now -

1. Fingers fidgeting &,
2. Sticking out of tongue.......=p


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